Armenia: EU funding for Karabakh refugees increased to €12 million

Armenia: EU funding for Karabakh refugees increased to €12 million

The European Commission is increasing its humanitarian funding in Armenia with almost €1.7 million in response to the mass influx of people from Nagorno Karabakh.

The new funding will aim to further strengthen the existing EU humanitarian response to the displaced people by providing cash assistance, shelter, food security and livelihoods assistance, protection, and health.

This funding comes in addition to the €10.45 million already announced by the Commission in response to the crisis, bringing total humanitarian funding to more than €12 million in 2023.


Commissioner Janez Lenarčič

With more than 100,000 people having fled their homes, often taking minimal belongings, those displaced are now in need of food, shelter, and other essential services as they try to settle in Armenia.

The needs are expected to increase in light of the looming winter as people in need will require winterised shelter and warm clothing.

Read also: Does the Reckless Rhetoric of Armenian Leadership Reflect the Bleak Future of the People in Karabakh?

Main Image: By, CC BY 4.0,


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