“Expertise” for sale: how to invent “genocide”

“Expertise” for sale: how to invent “genocide”

Strangely enough, those who wrote about the report failed to shed light on its creator. Ocampo resigned from his position as Prosecutor of the ICC in 2012, and since then the world media have mentioned his name only in the context of corruption scandals and covering up the interests of criminals.

Rodney Dixon Q.C. (via Twitter)

Ocampo’s opinion was responded to not only by the media, but also by several distinguished acting lawyers and human rights activists. One of them is Rodney Dixon, whose expertise lies in cases concerning foreign relations, inter-State disputes, the armed forces, international prosecutions and defense, public inquiries, civil claims with international components, mediation and arbitration, cross-border proceedings, asset recovery, extradition, etc.

His work covers all international criminal courts. Dixon decided to analyse and comment on Ocampos opinion.

Dixon”s opinion is highly important for two reasons. The first – he specialises in the accusations of alleged genocide. The second is even more interesting – the only case that Ocampo has finished in his nine years as a prosecutor, against Thomas Lubanga, the head of a paramilitary group in the Congo, has nothing to do with genocide.

Dixon’s legal assessment of Moreno Ocampo’s opinion includes five key observations that demonstrate the lack of credibility and the unsubstantiated nature of the allegations contained therein. The expert presents various arguments why the document should not be considered worthy of serious consideration, but the most important one is that, from the point of view of international law, genocide is out of the question in this case.

Main image: Luis Moreno Ocampo, by Estonian Foreign Ministry, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25103221


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